[&] SIGGRAPH2016 - Developing "Mass Effect: New Earth" – A 4D Holographic Adventure

Developing "Mass Effect: New Earth" – A 4D Holographic Adventure
Robert deMontarnal, Business Development / BioWare
Christian Dieckmann, VP Strategic Growth / Cedar Fair Entertainment Company
Howard Newstate, Executive Producer, Media Networks / Cedar Fair Entertainment Company
Clint Reagan, Previs Supervisor / Halon Entertainment LLC
Nathan Huber, Co-founder and CEO / 3D Live
●Attraction Overview
Holographic 3D on the worlds's largest and highest resolution 3D LED screens.
Motion seats and 4D effects such as leg ticklers, air blasts , transducers and CO2.
Cutting-edge "mixed-field" sound technology with near-field and far field speakers.
Characters and setting from EA's critically acclaimed Mass Effect TM game series developed by BioWareTM.
3D LEDが新しい技術で、黒もコントラストも深く、しっかり表示され、素晴らしい。
Initial treatment and script
Ensuring fit with the Mass Effect brand
Including iconic elements from the game series
Condensing story into and amusement park experience and marking it fun for all
LOTS of Teamworkd and Iteration!!
Storyboards and timed animatic with voiceover.
Digital assetsl and gaming engines.
Wow moments for 3D visuals, motion and sound.
Synchronizing film with motion simulators, 3DFX and sound profile.
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